Digital Business Card

Inspire your clients Digitally.

Make a great first impression with the most advanced, intelligent and stunning Digital Business Card that you can create using our digital business card tool with our support.

Over 263+ Business Peoples Trust Groarz

Transform your employee interactions into a sales engine

Go digital and never run out of your Business cards. Manage your entire teams Business cards. Reduce costs and logistic hassles

User Friendly

Ensure your Business card stands out from the rest of the cluttered paper cards. Let your card travel far and remembered longer.

Smart Approach

Make it easy for your connections to save your contact details in Single click, reach you back in a single top, over multiple channels like google.

Payment Collection

Easy to receive payments and set multiple payment sources like UPI, cards, Bank transfer and much more

Digital business card
Full Features

Convenient Enterprise
grade features​

vCard Contact App

Manage & Export all your contacts from Digital Business card.

Click to

Your customers will reach you by just tapping on mobile number

Payment Collection

Collect your payments via your digital business card

Click To WhatsApp

Your prospects can whatsapp you without even saving your number!

Click to Navigate

Using vCard, people can navigate to your store with Google Maps.

Website & Social Links

With digital vCard, Customers can visit websites and social sites.


Get free sample Digital Business Card to check the buttons and others

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The SMS field must contain between 6 and 19 digits and include the country code without using +/0 (e.g. 1xxxxxxxxxx for the United States)
"Lovely digital card thanks to groarz to design my digital card as my thought and the payments links are perfect "
CEO Grb groups
"Hi your design of my digital business cards are look really nice, and my friends also tell as great in price , keep the great "
Alben String Ray
Youtuber, United States

Get your digital
Business card now